Week 10 of Coding: Add new baby ๐Ÿšผ & Temperature Vital Screen ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Week 10 of Coding: Add new baby ๐Ÿšผ & Temperature Vital Screen ๐Ÿ“ˆ


3 min read


Welcome to another update on my journey in the Google Summer of Code 2023! This week has been an exciting and productive one as I made significant progress on implementing key features for the Mobile Helping Babies Survive (mHBS) NeoRoo project, under the mentorship of Saptarshi. In this blog post, I will share the details of my accomplishments, plans for the upcoming week, and important discussions that took place.

My Progress This Week

  1. Implemented Add/Update Baby Details Screen:
    One of the highlights of this week was successfully implementing the Add/Update Baby Details Screen. This feature allows users to add or update essential information about the babies within the application. The screen provides a user-friendly interface to input and manage this crucial data. You can check out the merge request here โ†—.

  2. Implemented Temperature Chart Screen:
    Another significant achievement was the implementation of the Temperature Chart Screen. This screen allows users to visualize temperature data over time in a graphical format. It provides valuable insights into the baby's temperature trends, facilitating better monitoring and care. You can find the merge request here โ†—.

Important Discussions ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ

During the week, I had a crucial discussion with our mentor Saptarshi regarding some modifications and enhancements to improve the functionality and user experience of the application.

  1. Modifications on the Temperature Chart Screen:
    We discussed several enhancements for the Temperature Chart Screen, including:

    • Enabling zoom functionality to allow users to focus on specific areas of the chart.

    • Incorporating high-temperature and low-temperature icons to highlight all critical temperature areas.

    • Implementing proper unit scaling when converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

    • Enhancing the flexibility of the chart to accommodate other vital signs.

  2. Modifications for Screen Responsiveness:
    To ensure a seamless user experience across different devices and screen resolutions, we discussed the following modifications:

    • Ensuring responsiveness for all screens, adapting to various screen sizes and orientations.

    • Implementing landscape view support for all screens alongside the portrait view.

My Plans Next Week

Looking ahead, my plans for the upcoming week include:

  1. Addressing the discussed modifications for the Temperature Chart Screen.

  2. Completing the implementation of Training Modules Screens, comprising two additional screens.

  3. Implementing the routing for the entire application.

  4. Resolving screen responsiveness issues to ensure consistent performance across different devices.

The End is Near!

With just one week remaining in my exhilarating journey through Google Summer of Code 2023, I can feel the excitement building. This week has been incredibly productive, as I made significant progress on the Add/Update Baby Details Screen and the Temperature Chart Screen. The guidance and discussions with my mentor, Saptarshi, have been invaluable in shaping the project.

As I enter the final stretch, there are still some exciting challenges to tackle. I will be focusing on enhancing the Temperature Chart Screen, finalizing the Training Modules Screens, and refining the app's navigation and responsiveness.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the amazing open-source community for their unwavering support and encouragement. Together, we have embarked on a mission to revolutionize caregiving and make a positive impact on the lives of countless families.

Stay tuned for the grand finale, where I will share the culmination of my efforts and reflect on this incredible journey. Your continued support has been a driving force, and I invite you to join me in celebrating as we reach the finish line.

Thank you for being part of this remarkable adventure, and let's make the final week one to remember as we push the boundaries of innovation and collaboration.
